Estate Planning
Herdeg, du Pont & Dalle Pazze
Estate Planning Strategies
A quality estate plan can be as simple as a will and revocable trust that ensure (1) your assets go where you want them to go, (2) the proper fiduciaries and agents are appointed to implement your plan, and (3) procedures are in place to minimize or avoid probate.
On the other hand, a quality estate plan can meet the complexities of your specific situation and wealth by providing for heirs with special needs, by structuring the distribution of your assets to suit each of your unique children, and by minimizing or eliminating estate, probate, and inheritance taxes.
An estate plan also gives you peace of mind and provides your beneficiaries with the clarity and certainty they need to avoid disputes. Furthermore, by structuring and planning your estate, you can minimize taxes and ensure that your assets are properly distributed.
We listen to you to determine the best estate plan for you and your loved ones. From simple and practical estate plans to complex and sophisticated ones, we customize our approach to address your needs and achieve your goals.
We offer comprehensive estate planning services including, but not limited to:
- Wills
- Trust Agreements
- Powers of Attorney
- Advance Healthcare Directives
- Estate and generation skipping tax reduction planning
- Tax